The DEUCE Film Series: “Twin Towers” KING KONG Preshow Reel from Jonathan Hertzberg on Vimeo.
Our pal, the wonderful filmmaker , montage maker, weaver of film threads and keeper of the marque’s flame – has made another gorgeous film from scenes of NYC, this time dealing with the Twin Towers, for a showing of John Guillermin’s KING KONG (1976) at the Nitehawk Cinema for the monthly DEUCE Film Series. Below is Hertzberg’s description from his Vimeo page – This is somehow striking, touching in another way – our fave bits include; cutting from Trading Places, to The Warriors, Nightshift, Ghostbusters
James Remar to James Remar, The WARRIORS to QUIET COOL. Snake Pliskin, “magic”, The Wiz, The Wiz on Marquee, Freakin’ Serpico, Albert Finney to Harvey keitel , Madison the Mermaid, Tom Hanks, Myths & Monsters, (Ben and Audrey of course!), and post credits ending with Travis and Cybill – Strong!
This isn’t the original one – he added some scenes of King Kong itself for this internet version (and then, i think, made some changes to that) but it’s a beauty. Thank you JH (aka Ned Merrill)
If you have a min and love cinema, check out his blog Obscure One Sheet.
Dale Jon!