Part abandoned amusement park, part roadside haunted house, part Sid & Marty Kroft Supershow , part working video store and palace of wonders – there’s no moviegoing experience in America quite like what Nayib Estefan is doing with the Nite Owl Theater (which is really a cinema) – but theater might be the right name for it.
With the projectionist as DJ, with the amazingly immersive Experience that he’s created around watching a movie – if you love cinema and you love repertory screenings and you love to be surrounded by Films in an exciting/creative/fun way with great attention to detail, with tremendous love of process and intent but still with a terrific sense of fun you owe yourself to check out Nite owl Theater in the Design District and to listen to this podcast and interview with Nayib Estefan and Eric Zaldivar would been involved with this fantastic creation and gift to moviegoers for a few years now.
Eric is an actor ,writer and director living in LA, who makes some of the films that show prior to the to the movies at Nite Owl and Nayib is the impresario and mastermind behind what has to be one of the most creative moviegoing experience is in the United States.
Miami deserves this kind of thinking, this kind of cinema, this kind of attention to doing something new and exciting – it’s time to celebrate that it’s here.
I’ve been begging him to be on this podcast since I first started attending his Secret Celluloid Society screenings at different venues around town but now with the opening of his own official space in the Design District I finally convinced Nayib to sit down with me for an interview. I spoke to him and Eric about cinema, about where the grindhouse means the art-house, about The Great Peanut Butter Conspiracy, renting movies with your Abuelo and what makes for a great cinematic experience. Nayib has created one most interesting things going in Miami and it was a thrill to get to talk about Nite Owl & Secret Celluloid Society – Movie Aficionados and lovers of what’s great, Take Note!
You can listen at
or on iTunes at