VOICES FOR CHILDREN FOUNDATION TO HOST RAISE A VOICE MEDIA CAMPAIGN/PSA SCREENING, Celebrities, politicians, philanthropists and other community leaders gather to support local charitable organization as they launch a new marketing campaign to raise awareness for children in foster care.
Voices For Children Foundation is a Miami not-for-profit organization which serves as the fundraising arm of the Guardian ad Litem Program which advocates for children in foster care. The organization hosted a screening of newly created PSA films thanks to a generous grant of the Health Foundation of South Florida as part of their “Raise A Voice” marketing campaign. This campaign is positioned to strengthen the viewers’ emotional connection with foster children and the organization and elicit their desire to take action.
The event kicked off with a wine reception at 6:00 p.m followed by the program at 6:45pm on Wednesday, April 26, at O Cinema Wynwood, 90 NW29th Street Miami, FL 33127. During the program, local personalities such as TVJudge Alex Ferrer and TV Host/Foster Parent Felipe Viel, along with other community members associated with the cause, introduced each of the five films. After the screenings, there was a Q&A session with the organization leaders as well as the producers of the films Alberto Jaen of Three Zero Five and Sergio Vizuete of Cascabel TV.
About Voices For Children Foundation:
Voices For Children Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that raises funds to help ensure that abused, abandoned, and neglected children in Miami-Dade County each have a court-appointed Guardian ad Litem and that financial assistance and other resources are available for their health, educational, and social needs. Guardians ad Litem are trained, court-appointed adults who serve as their representative voices in dependency court proceedings. Currently, 2,700 children are in Miami-Dade County’s Foster Care system and only 29% of children are unrepresented by Guardians ad Litem. For more information, please visit www.BeAVoice.org.