Felix Contreras from NPR writes about two iconic but forgotten Venezuelan and Ecuadorian voices of the past found in a grandpa’s basement. Click HERE to read more! PHOTO: Honest Jon’s Records/Odelia Records
Yahoo! Sports writes about Venezuelan baseball player Luis Guillorme showing the love for both his culture and baseball! Click HERE to listen to him speak about it and read the accompanying short article. PHOTO: Courtesy
Garrett Greene from wlox.com writes about Venezuelan MLB player Luis Castro and all of the accolades that he has obtained in his career! Click HERE to read more! PHOTO: Boise Hawks/Adam Eschbach/IPT
Selena Barrientos from goodhousekeeping.com writes about Miami-born Venezuelan Wilmer Valderrama reflecting on his start on That 70s Show, and his rise in Hollywood as a Latin actor ever since. Click HERE to read about it. PHOTO: Getty Images
Amanda Schiavo from Latin Times writes about Venezuelan actor Daniel Elbittar’s dream of transitioning into Hollywood. He has been thriving in soap operas such as recently in El Dragón, Latin American movies, and his concern for the environment! Click HERE to read about it. PHOTO: Daniel Elbittar Instagram
BARRY SAMAHA AND BIANCA BETANCOURT from Harper’s Bazaar give us a list of top Hispanic designers that speak on how their culture has influenced their fashion designs! Click HERE to read all about it! PHOTO: Designed by Ingrid Frahm
Over at WRBL, Sally Jaramillo writes about Venezuelan chef Lorena Garcia being the first Latina chef to open a restaurant at the Las Vegas strip! Click HERE to read her inspiring story! PHOTO: Lorena Garcia
Over at Latino Sports, Julio Pabón writes about Venezuelan baseball pitcher Anibal Sanchez winning the LatinoMVP award for his achievements! Click HERE to read all about it. PHOTO: Washington Nationals
Explica gives us a sneak peek into the Nuestra Belleza Latina Reunion 2020 that will be taking place alongside former judge Julian Gil & Alejandra Espinoza. Click HERE to read more about Gil & his recent endeavors. PHOTO: NBL Judges
New York and Miami based Venezuelan writer E.R Pulgar interviews Bad Bunny for his first digital cover! They talk allyship, sex, and the future of reggaeton. Click HERE to read more about the interview. Click HERE to view the twitter post about the interview! PHOTO: Bad Bunny