Tricia from writes about the meaning of all the dates involving the Day Of the Dead AKA el Día De Los Muertos. Click HERE to read about it! PHOTO: agcuesta
Local 10 news gives us video footage of numerous Miami Heat fans celebrating with pots and pans across Bird Road’s hot spot La Carreta. Click HERE to take a closer look! PHOTO: Local 10 News
Over at Remezcla, Julyssa Lopez writes about San Antonio quinceñera Xochitl Rodriguez and her family still finding a way to celebrate the famous fifteens moment with a drive thru! Click HERE for all the details. PHOTO: Kristie Rodriguez (@JagMathKRod)
Justin Lessner from writes about TODAY’s 5 de Mayo virtual music event that has a line up of artists you DON’T want to miss! Gloria & Emilio Estefan, Jesse & Joy, Becky G, & Maluma are amongst some of the artists participating! Click HERE for more details. PHOTO: Altísimo Live
Over at Remezcla, Frances Solá Santiago writes about the different ways Latin American countries honor the dead. Click HERE for five examples with pictures and descriptions. Photo: Secretariat of tourism Aguascalientes Posted by: Yenesis Alvarez
Over at NBC News, Kristina Puga writes about the Day Of The Dead and its background, influence, traditions, rituals, and deep meaning it has with those who celebrate it. Check out HERE more info. Photo: Claudia Deschamps Posted by: Yenesis Alvarez
Telemundo writes about Venezuelan singer Chyno Miranda getting married and gives an inside scoop on everything that went down in the celebration.Check out HERE for more pictures and videos. Photo: Chyno Miranda’s instagram (@chynomiranda) Posted by: Yenesis Alvarez
A Heartfelt congrats to our friends at #Bacardi celebrating their 155th Anniversary!! The women and men in this piece spread good cheer and good vibes-help them & share it today #thespiritoffreedom #cuba #passioñ #enlaunionestålafuerza