That pic is by Oscar Hidalgo for the NY Times.
Baseball Season began Last week. Welcome back. It’s the last year for Yankee Stadium. The Sunday Times had gorgeous eulogies for it in a special section bidding goodbye to it (and also Shea. But good riddance to Shea. Sorry.), it’s worth tracking down if you’re a fan.
As for Miami ball, and the extra stuff you get at the game, it should be noted that, in addition to the super foxy Mermaids – BTW, we are the first team in MLB to have cheerleaders, and we like it that way – we now also have The Manatees, a team of heavy-set male ‘dancers’, who will get down for your pleasure at Friday night games.
Claudia La Rocco has the story from the Sunday Times last week. The LA times, and Chicago Trib have the story as well. Good for them. Enjoy gents.
According to the NYT ‘both the Dallas Mavericks and the Chicago Bulls have Plus-Sized male dancers.’ Well, that may very well be, but we’d be the first baseball franchise to have ‘em.
The Heat have the Golden Oldies, now the Marlins have the Manatees (and the Fins of course had Dave Wandstat for years).