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[box] Chicos Angels[/box]

[box] You’ve seen the series “24”, which takes place in last twenty-four hours, now see the Angels in their last twenty-four minutes, give or take fifteen. This fast paced parody is non-stop action-packed, parcel, in heels! MTV’s REAL WORLD VEGAS star Steven Hill guest stars when the Angels head out on a mission to defuse a “la bomba” and to save the President…of the Elk’s Club! [/box]

[box] Cine Movie TV[/box]

[box] La Coacha[/box]

[box] Latin in LA[/box]

[box] My Viewing Lens[/box]

[box] My Viewing Lens is a social network guiding individuals & organizations with video branding opportunities for their product and/or service.[/box]

[box] VIcejay[/box]

[box] Creator of the award winning One Dream Studios, my names Vic and I just love entertaining! Making you laugh and giving you a good time what its all about! My Goal is to Inspire and Entertain you with the characters and story’s I create. ITS ALL HERE! I want to be a new face on YouTube to help inspire those who dream of making it in their field so with your help we can make this happen.[/box]








LA test

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About The Author
- Gen ñ founder and sometime contributor