6 Best Latin Clubs In Miami

Photo By: Karli Evans
“Miami is known for many things, including but not limited to horrible drivers, corrupt politicians, and cocaine. But the one thing that gives the Magic City its sabor picante are all of the Cubanos, Dominicanos, Venezolanos, Colombianos, and other Latinos that call the 305 home. Miami is one of the most diverse cities in America, and that diversity does wonders for our nightlife.

Because if there is one thing the Hispanics of Miami do better than anybody else, it’s throw tremenda pachangas. Just take a stroll through Hialeah or Calle Ocho on a Saturday night and see for yourself.”

Aticle via (@LaurieACharles @NewTimes)

6 Best Latin Clubs In Miami

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- Gen ñ founder and sometime contributor