Los Frikis: The Cuban Punk Kids Who Gave Themselves HIV As An Act Of Rebellion

Eddy Martinez from Remezcla interviews Radiolab co-host, Jad Abumrad.
“The WNYC podcast – which we recently profiled here – is, in a nutshell, amazing. Last week, they released a new episode titled Los Frikis, exploring the story of Cuban punk rockers in late 1980s Cuba who deliberately injected themselves with HIV. Part political protest, part response to a helpless situation, and part mass hysteria, Radiolab went into detail about a phenomenon that ironically paralleled Socialism’s painful death.”

Click HERE to read the full story.

Los Frikis: The Cuban Punk Kids Who Gave Themselves HIV As An Act Of Rebellion

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About The Author
- Gen ñ founder and sometime contributor