Held at the Miami Dade College Koubek Center, the 19th IFE-ILE Afro- Cuban Dance Festival gives everyone the opportunity to be able to grasp a bit of the culture of the African diaspora of Latin America and the U.S. through an academic conference, workshops, and even a children’s summer camp that was offered on select dates.
Through music and dance, the Afro- Cuban culture shines as Rumba, Cubatón, Oricha dance, Guaguancó, and other traditional dances are presented. It is nothing but six days full of energy and the spirit of the Afro- Cuban culture that will live on and be passed from generation to generation. The liveliness and the light of the Afro- Cuban culture will not be forgotten and continues to leave its legacy, and this festival put together by the talented Afro- Cuban choreographer and dancer Neri Torres along with all the artists, scholars, and practitioners that participate in this celebration make it possible.
It is thanks to non- profits like the IFE- ILE Afro- Cuban Dance Company that the Afro- Cuban culture is able to be passed on, preserved, and that message that our grandparents always told us of “manteniendo nuestras raíces” y “nunca olvidándonos de dónde venimos” is able to also be kept alive. As this amazing and magical festival shows, never forget your roots!
Photo by IFE- ILE Afro- Cuban Dance Company
By: Yenesis Alvarez