From Miami’s Book Fair in 2012, here’s our interview with the late, great Bunny Yeager! Bunny was everything we could’ve hoped for and more! What a great lady. Here she discusses her new book, written by the wonderful Petra Mason.

15 minutes with BUNNY YEAGER from bill teck on Vimeo.

Shooting 'Conversations with Youri Mevs' in 2012 at the Miami Book Fair International we had a chance to sit with the great Bunny Yeager. Candid, smart, insightful. kind, thoughtful – Bunny was everything you could hope for in an icon and a trailblazer. It was an honor to get to meet her. David Fisher, Youri Mevs and myself grabbed this interview at the Miami-Dade College Library with the bustle of the BookFair all around us. Cut at Chop Circuit by MdV. Here she talks about her entire career and life and her great book Bunny Yeager's Darkroom, written by the lovely and talented Petra Mason.


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About The Author
- Gen ñ founder and sometime contributor