10 Selena Quintanilla inspired graduation caps

Great story on Vivala by Vivala squad memeber, Cindy Diaz!
“Selena Quintanilla is an incredible source of pride for many members of the Latinx community.
She worked hard to achieve the American dream, which makes including her in celebrating an epic milestone like a graduation through #LatinxGradCaps — a movement started by Latina Rebels founder Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez in 2016 that showcases creative and empowering caps by members of the Latinx community — feel so right. ”

Click HERE to read the rest of the story and see the 10 Quintanilla grad caps!

Picture by @jew_lissa via Instagram

10 Selena Quintanilla inspired graduation caps

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About The Author
- Gen ñ founder and sometime contributor