Over at Pop Sugar Latina, Maria G Valdez writes about former Nuestra Belleza Latina & Dominican TV host Francisca Lachapel on life lessons she has learned during the Quarantine. Read HERE for more info. PHOTO: Jared Siskin/Getty Images
Over at Remezcla, Julyssa Lopez writes about San Antonio quinceñera Xochitl Rodriguez and her family still finding a way to celebrate the famous fifteens moment with a drive thru! Click HERE for all the details. PHOTO: Kristie Rodriguez (@JagMathKRod)
Player FM gives us a list of various valuable Latin podcasts to take a listen to. Click HERE to take a look — and hopefully a listen to during quarantine! PHOTO: Latin Podcasts
Do you want to have some health hacks during this quarantining? Adrienne Bailon gives us an outline on some tips and tricks. Click HERE to watch on her Youtube channel! PHOTO: Adrienne Bailon
Ecleen Luzmilla Caraballo from Remezcla gives us a list of 10 Tik Toks to treat ourselves in our quarantine. Click HERE to get a laugh & see them all! PHOTO: Tik Tok accounts
NBC News writes about a Colombian restaurant owner in his act of kindness as he gives away 600 meals to families in two of the poorest neighborhoods in Colombia. Click HERE to learn more about the Solidarity Menu Project. PHOTO: Associated Press
You want a list for some music you can put while in the house? Below we have the top 5 new music recently released by some of our favorites to keep your ears happy! Photo: Mary Beth Koeth/Billboard 1. Anuel AA & Karol G — Follow 2. CNCO & Natti Natasha — Honey Boo 3. […]
Melissa Ramiz & Bill Teck bring you the Quarantine version of their old show Stream.Binge.Watch. They give you some tips and tricks on what to see in this Quarantine. From the little seen 8th wrap up Ep of #TigerKing to a series to binge, enjoy some laughs with Meli and Bill while hearing what to […]