Over at People, Tomas Mier writes about Jencarlos Canela spreading positivity with his “No Filter” campaign as he promotes inner beauty. Click HERE to read more. PHOTO: Rob Latour/Variety/Shutterstock
Read this awesome story by Miami New Time’s Trevor Bach about Power 96’s Lucy Lopez. “It was around 2001, and a young, quick-lipped Lopez was in the car with her homegirls, idling on the Palmetto, listening to her favorite station. Then a couple of Power 96 hosts, trying to be funny, delved into a rant […]
Player FM gives us a list of various valuable Latin podcasts to take a listen to. Click HERE to take a look — and hopefully a listen to during quarantine! PHOTO: Latin Podcasts
Hoodline gives us a heads up of the top 5 Latin American restaurants to visit when in Miami! To check them out, click HERE. Photo: Lynn/Yelp
NBC News writes about Cuba passing Decree Law 35 meant to censor critiques of the Cuban regime on social media. Click HERE to read more. PHOTO: Decree Law 35 / Twitter / Courtesy of the author
Over at TV Line, Vlada Gelman writes about the ABC premiere of the show The Baker and the Beauty. In the series, Daniel Garcia works with his Cuban familia at a bakery in Miami while he meets star Noa Hamilton. Will the two fall in love? Click HERE to read more! PHOTO: ABC
Check out this new podcast on a bit of what Melissa Carcache has to say about the new “Hialeah” series. It is set to be filled with adventures of a young married couple living in Hialeah bringing in the Cuban culture, the coffee, and the diversity that surrounds Hialeah, the City of Progress. Check out […]
Have you been wanting to upgrade your wardrobe for the few times you actually dress up lately? Mana Shop Miami has some gear for your fall fashion — yes, there’s face masks, and hats, youth/adult apparel, and more! Click HERE to check out their shopping website. PHOTO: M.A.N.A Shop Miami
Over at The Players Tribune, Yonder Alonso writes a letter to his younger self that revolves around his background as a Cuban boy who dreamed of being a baseball player while also having to help his parents throughout their American dream. To read it, click HERE. PHOTO: ANDREW HANCOCK/THE PLAYERS’ TRIBUNE
Brian Campbell from CBS Sports writes about Cuban boxer Yordenis Ugas beating Pacquiao this past Saturday!! Ugas dedicated Saturday’s fight to the fight Cubans are currently facing against the dictatorship in the island. Click HERE to read more about it! PHOTO: Getty Images